Lead Finder

Use our Lead Finder to export leads with their email addresses as a .csv file from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, LinkedIn Jobs, BuiltWith, Crunchbase and Apollo.


Install our extension

Visit the Chrome Web Store and install our free extension.

Our extension allows you to export leads from a number of B2B lead sources.


Search for leads

Search for leads on LinkedIn Sales Navigator, LinkedIn Jobs, BuiltWith, Crunchbase & Apollo.

These are the best platforms for finding accurate intent-based B2B leads.


Export your leads

Using our extension, you can click the “Export” button.

Our extension will export all of your leads with their email addresses as a .csv file.


Upload to campaign

You can upload your exported leads to a campaign.

This allows you to send personalized cold emails at scale, while still landing in the primary inbox.

Ready to 10x your pipeline?

Send your first cold email campaign today, risk-free.

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